Dramas 2020 01 DE Janeiro DE 2020 Trailer do teaser nº 3 e pôsteres da série dramática da SBS “Dr. Romântico 2 "

01 DE Janeiro DE 2020

Trailer do teaser nº 3 e pôsteres da série dramática da SBS “Dr. Romântico 2 "

Teaser trailer #3 added for upcoming SBS drama series “Dr. Romantic 2” starring Han Suk-KyuAhn Hyo-Seop, and Lee Sung-Kyung. Teaser trailer #3 starts with Cha Eun-Jae (Lee Sung-Kyung) moving into a medical dormitory and asking what kind of person is Teacher Kim. Meanwhile, above and below are posters for the the drama series.

“Dr. Romantic 2” first airs January 6, 2020 in South Korea.

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